Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chapter #2

It has been an incredibly long time since Ive made any postings on this Blog, Going back to work and trying to raise Brooke has been difficult for me in terms of "free time"
I think my child is an amazing little human, and she amazes Jeff and I every single day, like a super sponge she picks up everything and really is very smart, she is super sweet and she is hilarious!!  She has found a new love and admiration for Bailey our puggle.  He is very attached to Jeff so quick story, Jeff went to get the mail the other night, Bailey sat at the front door and whined and whined and whined, My precious child marched right up to Bailey, got down on her knees, gave him a hug around the neck, and a kiss on the head and proceeded to say "It's Ok Baiye, daddys coming back soon"  she stood with Bailey, one hand on his back until Jeff got back a few minutes later!  When Jeff came in she said "see, here he is"
 My favorite thing is I often put my hand under her chin and say"your so pretty, or Your so beautiful" Brooke without fail repeats my hand gesture and says "Yours so pretty too mommy"  
What I wish is that the brain could pull up memories and special moments and put them on to DVD so that you can catch those moments, the ones that are unexpected and cant be duplicated :(
On to other news.... Brooke is going to be a big sister!  We are expecting our second baby in Early May 2012... She gets it when i ask her what is in my belly, she says, "theres a baby in your bewey(belly)" but I dont think she comprehends the changes that are to come ahead.

Because we are having the baby, we are currently under a basement renovation that my husband is doing and AMAZING job on...We just felt like since we weren't going to be moving anytime soon, we needed more space, it will be nice to have the toys out of my upstairs and have a place for the kids to play, a spare bedroom for guests, and third bath (eventually with a stand up shower, for now toilet and sink will have to do) I'm most excited for the office space that will be down there, it will get me my full kitchen back!!!
no more desk up there, no more printer and cables and mess! We cant dump junk on there anymore, and my kitchen is going to feel unbelievably HUGE when its gone...I cant wait.

Brooke will be having some major changes too, we are transitioning her to a big girl bed in the next few weeks, and then we will work on the potty training.  I dont want to overwhelm her with too much all at the same time, plus i dont think she is physically ready for the potty yet, so bed it is.  We refuse to buy another crib, it just seems silly to us, she is capable of sleeping in a big bed, she naps in one every day and always wants to be in im hoping the transition is as smooth as the getting rid of the soother was!!

I apologize about the lengthy post, its been a while and I will try to make them shorter and more frequent in the future.

until then....Bye!

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