Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Terrible Two's

OH BOY ...

I know everyone says just wait for the terrible two's, well I think we are on the brink of them!  Brooke has surprisingly incredible strength!  She carries bags of oranges, things that easily weigh 5lbs +, I dont know where that strength comes from, but those little popeye arms are strong.

Getting back to the terrible two's, well last weekend, Brooke really wanted cookies for breakfast, which typically I can easily persuade her to a piece of peanut butter toast and a yogurt, but NOT this time! 
This was the sequence of events:

Brooke:  Mommy, more cookies!
Lisa: No baby, we can have cookies after lunch, would you like some toast?

Then she proceeded to pick up our bar height kitchen chair and toss it at her mother, my leg taking the brunt of the fall, then proceeding to hit the ground and break!!
Thats right, my child broke our kitchen chair, leaving the largest bruise on my leg! She then flopped herself on the floor and pouted, which in all honesty, is HILARIOUS to me, she thinks im going to give in, but I laugh, which sometimes makes her even more angry!

How could something so sweet act that way? LOL
Ahh if only adults could "test the boundaries" like children by throwing tantrums.  I sometimes wish I could!

I hope you read and enjoy these memories one day Brooke, I know your dad and I certainly will!