Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sleep is So Important

It's really hard when your baby has slept through the night since 4 weeks old to run into some sleep issues.  You have no clue how to handle the issues, you aren't a pro at dealing with it, and the lack of sleep isn't helping either initially. Brooke went through a 2 month period of up 4-6 times per night, and at least once staying up for 1-3 hours.  this means, tired baby, tired mommy & daddy. But why wasn't she sleeping?  What was it that all of a sudden made her change her sleep patterns and be up all night?  Who will ever really know.  We tried everything, sleep training, letting her cry it out, sitting with her till she fell asleep..and it was nearly a frustrating hour even to get her to sleep every night.  it makes you feel like your not a good mother, you should know what is wrong with your child, you should be able to comfort them to make them sleep at night, that should be enough?? 
Although most mothers would love to believe this to be true, it isn't the case!
SO was it teething? a cold? nightmares? Some studies show that around the 1 year mark, babies can begin to have nightmares, of what I'm not certain.  maybe childbirth is traumatizing, and they are reliving every moment of it, maybe the thought of running out of milk makes them wake up screaming.  Whatever it is, my advice to sleepless mothers out there...stick to your gut, try and stay patient, and you will get through it.
We finally have made and stuck to a routine pretty closely in efforts to get Brooke back sleeping, and for the last 3+ weeks it has worked.  She is going down better at night, maybe 5 minutes, and often on her own, and she is sleeping 12+ hours straight, and if she wakes up, she puts herself back to sleep.  MY CHILD IS BACK!  Here is another piece of advice...
Most people think that if you want your child to sleep at night, get them really tired so they are knocked out...this may be true for kids who are much older and no longer require naps during the day, but at 15 months, naps are so important.  But its not that simple. there are no generic rules about napping for babies...every child is so different.
Brooke requires 2 hours of napping a day...anything more or less she is up in the night.  Yes we have tried and tested this theory, trust me, Ive kept logs of her sleeping and waking up, and this is how we have come to this realization.  You might think this is overkill...but after 2+ months of not one night of good sleep, I was ready to try just about anything to make it work...I have read book after book, and searched every website google has to offer...I took  piece of everything, and created something that works for us.  this is our routine.
7:30 pm we go upstairs and on the change table we go, Brooke gets a massage legs, feet and tummy to get that gas out just in case using lavender infant massage oil, then her diaper is changed, PJ's go on, we sit in her chair and read a storey, Jeff brings up her bottle, we sit in the dark and she drinks her bottle, then I lay her down, tell her I love her, and off to sleepy land Brooke goes!
We used to keep a night light in her room, more for my benefit in the middle of the night, however, since we have made it lights out in there, she has slept much better. Your eyes will adjust eventually!
Anyhow, knock on wood, I'm glad its over for now, she is much happier in the day, and I don't have anxiety all afternoon as bedtime approaches.  If your having these issues, do whats right for you...don't just accept that your baby doesn't sleep, really and truly try and find something that works because a good nights sleep is important for mommy and daddy too! And how they sleep and fall asleep now, will shape them for the rest of their childhood.
Good luck.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


After months of standing, cruising around furniture, walking assisted with her car, baby stroller, and mommy and daddy's fingers, Brooke finally took her first steps tonight all on her own, like a big girl. Wednesday September 29th!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

So my 13 month old daughter has officially had her 2nd hair cut of her life....just as exciting as #1 because this time she has bangs...and its adorable. I thought that the 1st of everything was going to be the most exciting of it all..but babies are incredible beings and although she says many words now and is beginning to understand what we are asking her, the 2nd and 3rd and 4th etc. are just as exciting as #1.

Here are a few pictures of her new hair!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Life through a 1yr. olds eyes

So my baby is officially 1..I cant even believe how the time has flown by.
She has grown so much in this 1st year of her life, she seems to see everything as though it is the 1st time. Everyday Brooke learns something new, and adorable I might add!
Although there have been some sleepless nights that I'm blaming 4 crazy mean molars, there is nothing more rewarding then when your baby does something or says something for the 1st time. Milestones...no matter how little are truly AMAZING!
Her newest things are BYE and wave(like the queen), she does the most adorable squeak squeak squeak for birdie noise, a hilarious MOW(M-OW) for kitty cat, KACK KACK for the Duckie and the newest MOOOO for the cow.
There are no words to explain how much you can love one little person, this complete change in your life, everything seems better with babies...and to know that your baby is growing and learning and that your teaching them, is the most rewarding of all.
We couldn't ask for a better baby!

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Guelph Arboretum

A Day in the Guelph Arboretum with Mommy and Aunty Amy!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Diet Coke Spokesbaby???

In case Coke is interested??? this baby smiles on command, and is a real ham for the camera...its the funniet thing I've ever seen!

8 months

Monday, March 15, 2010

Look at me! I sit all by myself

Brooke sitting like a BIG GIRL!

Friday, February 19, 2010

no matter what we do..she wont say da da da da da...

It's all about me...Mommy

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Brookes 1st meal

February 17th, 2010...the first attempt at cereal..I would say it was a success!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Me and My Mom

Before & After

my first Teeth!

They came out...2 of them at the same time....ouch!

Strike a Pose!

Mommy told me to smile big, and I did!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Here is me and my remote control...well actually it's my daddy's but it tastes good!